Keynote Speakers
1. Language Teachers in the 21st Century: Professional Qualifications and Challenges to Implement the Latest Technologies; Prof. Kazunori Nozawa, B.Ed., M.A., Ph.D. (Ritsumeikan Universyty, Japan) (1-16)
2. 1st Century Pedagogies for Implementing Indonesia’s Kurikulum 2013; Prof. Gillian Kidman (Monash University, Australia) (17)
3. Information and Communication Technologies in Technical (ICTs) and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) (Integration Toward Knowledge Management in the Work); Ts. Dr. Yuseni Bin Ab Wahab (University College of Islam Malacca, Malaysia) (18)
4. Character Building on the Era Industrial Revolution 4.0; Prof. Dr. H. Herri, S.E., M.B.A (Ketua LL.Dikti Wilayah X, Indonesia)
5. Dr. Gumpanat Boriboon (Srinkharinwirot University, Bangkok, Thailand)
Parallel Speakers
1. Practices of Development of Work Sheet Based on Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) in Relation and Function Material VIII of SMPN 3 Kota Solok; Adevi Murni Adel, Hana Adhia, Fena Huryani Rizka (19-23)
2. The Effect of Corrective Feedback Used by the Teacher to the Students’ Ability in Writing and Students’ Perception Towards that Corrective Feedback; Asis Warni (24-34)
3. The Correlation of Learning Motivation and Learning Results on Character and Anti Corruption Education Courses to Students of Mathematics Department and Natural Science and Social Science Education Department at The Faculty Of Teacher Training and Education at Universitas Mahaputra Muhammad Yamin, Solok; Asmawati Kamal (35-39)
4. Inquiry: A Strategy towards Learning Think Analysis; Cicilia Melinda, Ilham Rahmawati (40-50)
5. Analysis of Student Needs for Development Module for Preparation of Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) in the Development of Biology Learning Program Courses; Darmanella Dian Eka Wati (51-56)
6. Speech Acts between Traders and Buyers in Solok City Market; Dian Shaumia (57-65)
7. Teaching Speech Act of Apologize for EFL Senior High School Students; Dini Hanifa, Jufrizal (66-74)
8. Religiosity Impact on Organizational Commitment in Sharia Banking; Eka Mariyanti, Lyani Putri , Rasidah Nasrah, Riri Putri Dika (75-82)
9. The Politeness Principle of Political Advertising Language on the Slogan of DPRD Candidates in 2019 Election Banners in Gunung Talang, Solok Regency; Elan Halid (83-91)
10. The Use of Coordinate Conjuction in Fable Essays of the Class VII Students of Semester I of SMP 3 Payung Sekaki Solok District in 2019/2020 Academic Year; Erwanis, Redo Andi Marta, and Rini Wirasty (92-98)
11. Effect Of Deep Dialogue/Critical Learning Model Thinking (Dd / Ct) On Student Critical Thinking Ability; Estu Niana Syamiya, Ambur Sabur, Dian Agustina Alrian (99-110)
12. The Correlation between Students’ Learning Motivation and Their Learning Achievement at Biology Education Department of Universitas Mahaputra Muhammad Yamin University in 2018/2019 Academic Year; Helvita Roza (111-115)
13. The Validity of the Lesson Plan of Islamic History Based on Diversity (PSI-BK) for Avoiding Radicalism in Higher Education; Heri Effendi, Siti Aisyah, Muspardi, Muhammad Sahnan, H.Muslim (116-127)
14. The Manifestation of Politeness Scale of STKIP Rokania Riau Students in the Industrial Revolution 4.0; Herwandi, Misra Nofrita (128-137)
15. Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension by Applying Two Column Note Strategy at Class VIII.4 of SMPN 2 Ampek Nagari Agam Regency; Hidayetty, Hamzah (138-147)
16. Improving Students’ Speaking Skill through Interview Strategy at Grade IX.2 of SMPN 2 Bayang, Pesisir Selatan; Khaifi (148-161)
17. Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension of Narrative Text by Implementing Buzz Group Technique at Grade X.2 of SMAN 1 Payakumbuh; Lucya Katherina (162-178)
18. The Effect of Spiritual Intelligence on Learning Motivation in Economic Subjects in Class XI Social Sience Education of Senior High School 3 Solok City; M.Ilyas, Novia Elsa Dalfitri (179-187)
19. Students’ Interest in Using Mobile based Dictionary in English Learning at English Department of FKIP UMMY Solok at 2018/2019 Academic Year; Marsika Sepyanda, Mega Putri, Helvita Roza (188-197)
20. The Influence of Emotional Intelligence and Learning Style on the Study Readiness of Class X on Economic Lessons in State 9 High School, Jambi City; Mayasari, Imelda Devita, Mildawati (198-211)
21. Error Analysis of Raw Editorial Words in Padang Ekspres Newspaper June – July 2019 Edition; Mega Putri (212-224)
22. Development of Teaching Material based on Mind Map in the Language Learning Theory and IBM Subject of PBSI FKIP UMSB Students; Mimi Sri Irfadila, Dian Shaumia (225-233)
23. The Lecturers’ Techniques of Correcting Students’ Errors in Speaking in English Classes in State Polytechnic of Padang; Novi Fitria, Hamzah, Ratmanida (234-242)
24. The Effect of Discovery Learning Model on the Students’ Understanding of Mathematical Concept Ability at VII Grade of MTsN 12 Pesisir Selatan; Okviani Syafti (243-251)
25. The Influence of Emotional Intelligence and Learning Style on the Study Readiness of Class X on Economic Lessons in State 9 High School, Jambi City; Pratiwi Indah Sari, Agustianingsih, Fitri Ayuningsih (252-261)
26. The Influence of Interest in Learning and Intrinsic Motivation on Students’ Learning Outcomes in Social Sciences Subjects at Class IX SMP Negeri 2 Bukit Sundi; Rahayu Wulan Dari, Fajri Basyirun (262-273)
27. Students’ Attitude Towards Assignments Given by the Teacher on Writing Recount Texts; Rahmatun Nisa, Zulfariati, Marsika Sepyanda (274-283)
28. Constructivism Based Learning Module In Improving The Understanding Of The Learning Concept; Ratih Komala Dewi (284-292)
29. The Influence of Learning Continuity and Peers to the Learning Results of Class XI-IS Students in Economic Lessonsin State 3 High School Jambi City; Redi Indra Yudha, Mariyanis Sahputri, Krisdayani (293-302)
30. The Existence and Attitude of Using Indonesian language in Teaching in Schools (Sociolinguistics Study); Redo Andi Marta (303-309)
31. Rainbow Connection Number For C4 – Path Graphs; Reni Wijaya (310-313)
32. Legend of Naming Regions as Assets of Local Cultural Heritage; Rini Wirasty (314-318)
33. The Analysis of Students’ Difficulties in Writing Descriptive Text; Riri Afrisma, Fitri Handayani, Yarmawati (319-330)
34. Validity of Development Results Based on Sq3r on Human Excression System Materials; Riri Dea Tami, Afrahamiryano (331-336)
35. Cognitive Levels of Questions Used by the English Teachers for Formative Tests and Semester Tests at Senior High School in West Sumatra; Riri Nency, Hamzah (337-351)
36. Women’s Independence as Second Sex in Jane Austen’s Mansfield Park; Risza Dwiputri (352-358)
37. The Correlation between Students’ Self-Confidence and Their Learning Achievement on The Algebra Subject; Rita Oktavinora (359-366)
38. Semiotic Analysis of Food in Maanta Bubua Indigenous Ceremony in Cupak, Solok Regency; Riza Amelia (367-373)
39. The Effect of Using Problem Based Module on Students’ Learning Motivation of FKIP UMMY Solok;
Rosmiyati (374-381)
40. The Use of Imperative Sentences in the Debates of the Vice President Candidates and President Candidates on YouTube Channel in 2019; Shertiona Dwi Kemala (382-388)
41. A Comparison of Cognitive Levels of Thinking Processes Activated in Tests Made by Junior High School English Teachers in West Sumatera; Silveranelita, Hamzah (389-395)
42. The Need Analysis: Teaching Materials for the High-Class Education of Mathematics; Suci Rahma Putri (396-401)
43. Fuzzy Logic Distribution Network Analysis in the 20 KV (Case Study in PT. PLN Persero Rayon Painan);
Taufik Abdul Hasan Amarullah (402-417)
44. Development of Teaching Material Reading the Beginning of Integrated Thematic Learning Using the SAVI Approach (Somatic, Auditory, Visual, Intellectual) at Grade I of Elementary School; Taufina, Rama Mulia Putra (418-425)
45. Students’ Problems in Writing Background of the Problem of Research Proposal in Research Subject : A Case at English Department of Bung Hatta University; Wendi Riyanda Putra, Jufizal, Yenni Rozimela (426-435)
46. Developing Mind Mapping Based Learning Materials in Mathematics Subject in Class XI of SMA; Wetsqia Syauqi Arsas, Jasrial, and Ridwan (436-440)
47. Enhancing Students’ Ability through Inside-Outside Circle (IOC) Technique at Class VIII.1 SMPN 3 Kec. Payakumbuh Lima Puluh Kota Regency; Yenti Efrina (441-453)
48. The Effect of Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite, Review (PQ4R) Strategy and Students’ Reading Attitude toward Reading Comprehension at SMAN 12 Pekanbaru; Yogi Sugara, Mukhaiyar, Zul Amri (454-459)